All of us at Speech World use the most modern methods of intervention & treatment
NDT Bobath (Neuro Developmental Treatment)
This method expresses a specific philosophy of treating children and adults with cerebral palsy. It is a neuroevolutionary treatment and is based on the attempt to normalize the pathological tone of the patient, from which also arise pathological posture and movement patterns. It is based on the possibility of brain plasticity, intercepting deficits that affect its normal maturation, which fatally lead to atypical or no development of all areas of the individual's development. Principles of this theory are the individualized, holistic approach to the patient, the creation of conditions so that the patient responds to his functional needs in the most natural and effortless way possible, using normal movement patterns, as functionally as possible, saving quality energy , with the ultimate goal of its autonomy.
Sensory Integration
This method concerns children who have difficulty processing information coming from the environment through the senses, resulting in difficulty in learning, regulation, concentration, behavior, movement and alertness.
Through this intervention children redefine and mature the way the central nervous system registers, processes and categorizes sensory information.
The sensory systems that are strengthened through this intervention are the visual - vision, gustatory - taste, tactile - touch, auditory - hearing, vestibular (processes information about movement, gravity and balance) and proprioceptive system (concerns information that we receive from the muscles and joints, helping us to have a good perception of the body in relation to the space and makes us perceive and grade the movement of our members even when we cannot see).
By properly organizing environmental stimuli, children can participate more flexibly in daily life activities.
PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
PECS is an alternative method of communication for children on the autism spectrum and related developmental disorders. It helps children through an exchange of images to express their needs to the people they want, while developing their communication skills.
It is a language program for children and adults with reduced communication skills. Through a set of learned meanings and symbols, individuals express what they desire and best support the development of speech, writing and reading.
Palin PCI (Palin parent Child Interaction - Parent and Child Interaction)
It is a method for early childhood stuttering. It is a theoretical and practical training for parents, so that they understand the multifactorial nature of stuttering and can apply techniques that help and positively support their child's speech flow.
TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children)
This program is individualized and concerns children who are on the autism spectrum and children with general communication difficulties. Through a visualized material, the student's daily activity schedule is organized, organizing his behavior and communication skills.
OPT (Oral Placement Therapy - Therapeutic Intervention in the Oral Cavity)
It is a method that teaches the placement of oral structures to patients who cannot produce or imitate speech sounds using traditional auditory and visual stimuli.
Intensive interaction - Intensive Interaction
It is a method that concerns people with communication difficulties. It is based on the 'natural model' of learning to communicate and helps people enjoy and participate in interacting with those around them. The person begins to enjoy coexistence with other people by naturally developing important communication skills such as eye contact, imitation, understanding facial expressions, etc.
MORE (Motor Oral Respiration Eye - Oral-Facial Therapy in Children with Sensory Disorders)
It is a method that concerns children with neurodevelopmental difficulties and sensory integration difficulties. It is guided by the neurophysiological development of the mouth, taking into account the function of breathing, eye movement, the level of alertness, self-regulation, concentration - attention as well as the synergy of Absorption - Swallowing - Breathing.
It is a method that helps children to understand multi-sensory the way and the place of articulation of each phoneme separately. It is suitable for children with articulation difficulties, verbal dyspraxia, learning difficulties, etc.